Dear Printmaker,

The pages on the Polymetaal site are translated into four foreign languages; German, French, English and Spanish.
Editing all these pages and updating them is done by myself (Hugo Bos, owner of Polymetaal) in many evening hours, with much appreciated help of many printmakers who help me with the translations or with the corrections. I also use "Systran" as translation software. Systran is capable (more than I expected) of translating (English) text into "understandable" versions in the four other languages.

One of my goals with this website is to make English texts available to Printmakers in countries where German, French, Dutch and Spanish is spoken.

You are invited to help in this matter. If you can improve the language on a specific page, please send me the text with corrections, by e-mail to and I will update this text as soon as possible. This way you can contribute in making English texts more accessible to Printmakers worldwide. I am willing to pay for your work; 10 Euro's an hour. But please realize that payment will only be done, if the texts are accepted by me as a significant improvement. Payment will take place via Paypal (