Scraper board

Actually scraper board does not belong here, since it is not printmaking.
However, looking the sorts of images it produces, with all the dots and lines, it looks like printmaking.

Scraper board is a card heavily coated with china clay giving a smooth surface which is then over-printed with black ink. A cutting tool engraves a line through the surface ink to expose the white beneath. Closely spaces lines produce textures and tones. It offers an artistic medium which is clear and precise. Engraving is as easy as drawing with a pencil, and with much the same action. The board provides an extreme of contrast that is difficult to create with wet materials. Scraperboard can be subsequently coloured and reworked to provide many interesting possibilities.

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Scraper board 152 x 101 mm (6" x 4"), 10 pieces in a box

重 量: kg

Discount: from 10 boxes, 10%, Is calculated automatically.

No special packaging required.

Scraper board 229 x 152 mm, (9"x6") 10 pieces in a box

重 量: kg

Discount: from 10 boxes, 10%, Is calculated automatically.

No special packaging required.

Scraper board 305 x 229 mm, (12"x9") 10 pieces in a box

重 量: kg

Discount: from 10 boxes, 10%, Is calculated automatically.

No special packaging required.

Scraper board 502 x 305 mm, (20"x12") 10 pieces in a box

重 量: kg

Discount: from 10 boxes, 10%, Is calculated automatically.

Advise: add packaging for protection during shipping, at least size 32x52 cm. Click here (+5 Euro) to add this packaging material, or for other sizes click on "add plywood packaging" in the column at the right hand side.

Scraper Cutter Set, Set with five cutters (scrapers) and holders

重 量: kg

Discount: from 10 boxes, 10%, Is calculated automatically.