A technical dictionary of printmaking, André Béguin.
The Basics
(copied from the web site (mentioned at the end of this
article) of Mr. Hamish Steward)
The gum print works on the principle that an organic colloid (in this
case gum Arabic) when combined with ammonium dichromate becomes light
sensitive. Exposure of this dichromated colloid to light causes the
organic colloid (gum arabic) to harden in proportion to the light
striking it.
Adding watercolour pigment to the gum provides the colour.
Development is achieved by floating the exposed print in water for 30
minutes or more. The unhardened gum is washed away, leaving the
hardened, exposed gum to form the image on the paper The gum print,
unlike most traditional photographic prints, can be physically
manipulated to a considerable extent. During development, when the
print is wet and fragile, details can be rubbed out with the use of a
brush, or water jet. Images can be re-sensitised and re-exposed
several times, either to deepen tone or to achieve definite colour
shifts. Tone, texture and colour can all be altered and manipulated.
Most photographic processes are essentially the product of chemical
interaction, but gum printing is a balance between chemical and
physical interaction.
Outline of the procedure of Gum Printing
Creating a gum (or gum bichromate) print involves
applying an emulsion of watercolour and gum arabic, combined with an
ammonium, or potassium dichromate sensitiser onto sized paper. After
drying, the emulsion is exposed by contact with a UV light source.
Available sources include; sunlamps, UV BL fluorescent tubes, Mercury
Vapour lamps, or sunlight. Development of the image is achieved by
floating the print on water. The water penetrates the gum and permits
the un-hardened gum to dissolve. Development takes around 30 minutes.
After one layer has dried the paper may be coated with new gum and
exposed again. Anything from four to sixteen printings is possible,
depending on the extent of staining of the paper by pigment. Paper
choice, intensity of pigment and other factors all effect the number
of coats possible.
A Brief History of Gum Bichromate Printing
No one person can be credited with having discovered the
gum process.
Rather it was the continual investigation of several pioneers who
evolved the process into its current form. Today gum printing
continues to evolve as each practitioner brings their own interests
and sensibilities to the process.
Mongo Ponton is credited with discovering the light sensitivity of
dichromate in 1838, and a significant photographic pioneer, Fox
Talbot noted that soluble organic colloids, when combined with
dichromate became insoluble. One of the continuing problems for the
early photographers was the lack of permanence of early silver
processes, providing a strong incentive for the exploration of
alternative methods to produce photographic prints.
While Mongo Ponton and Talbot are credited with the understanding the
chemical reaction that makes gum prints possible, it was a Frenchman,
Alphonse Louis Poitevin, who in 1855 added pigment to the gum
arabic/dichromate mixture. In the 1890s Poitevin's process was
revived by the Pictorialists who were attracted by the ease with
which the wet emulsion could be manipulated. In 1898, Van Hubl
introduced the practise of re-sensitising the image and then
reprinting it in registration under the same negative. This
adaptation to the process was probably one of the most significant,
for it allowed the gum printer to build up tone and texture through
repeated printings. Single printings in gum tend to be rather flat
with poor detail and tonal separation. But the multiple gum print
allows the print-maker to build up considerable tonal range and
detail. Perhaps the most noted and technically proficient of the Gum
printers was Robert Demachy.
While photographers continued to work with the process up till the
1920s, by the early years of the century the process had been
discredited by those who sought to establish the "straight" silver
print as the photographic standard. From the 1970s onward gum
printing along with other early and non-silver photographic processes
have been revived by photographers seeking to expand available
print-making options.
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related subjects:graining,