Etching grounds from Rohrer & Klingner (Germany)

In 1892, the lithographer Johann Adolf Rohrer (1850 – 1918) began with the production of special graphic supplements in the city of Leipzig. His son Johann Adolf Rohrer junior founded with his partner Felix Arthur Klingner in 1907 the cooperation that is still known under the name Rohrer & Klingner Leipzig-Co.
After the Second World War, the repatriate Johannes Rohrer (1916 – 1991) joined the firm to contribute both his chemical aptitude and his particular interest in arts. When he retired in 1981, he assigned management to his daughter Veronika Rohrer and his son-in-law Hubert Adamy.
Following well established recipes, our products are made by hand, combining primarily natural binding materials with the respective colorants.


Rohrer & Klingner Soft Ground (Vernis mou) 16 grammes #29100

A few days. If not in stock, a delivery time of several weeks is possible
Weight: kg

A soft wax mixture for the "vernis mou". The heated plate is lightly covered with beef tallow and wiped off, leaving only a thin layer of fat.
The vernis mou is now dabbed on the plate. The heat divides the wax and distribute it evenly over the plate with a leather roller. Allow the plate to cool completely.
Subsequently, a material with structure (tree leaf, for example) can be pressed into the wax. Remove the material and now you can see an image of the material in the wax. Then etch in nitric acid, iron chloride or copper sulphate (zinc), remove the wax layer and ink and print the plate.

Rohrer & Klingner, etching ground, transparent hard ball #29310

A few days. If not in stock, a delivery time of several weeks is possible
Weight: kg

A clear transparent product used for etching plates. This is used as a transparent etching ground on a plate that has already a drawing on it, which must remain visible.
This etching ground consists of a wax mixture that melts at lower temperature. It dissolves in terpentine and is suitable for most etching processes.
The product will welt on a hot plate, and with a leather roller the ground must be distributed evenly over the etching plate.

Rohrer & Klingner, etching ground, black hard ball #29311

A few days. If not in stock, a delivery time of several weeks is possible
Weight: kg

This is the mostly used common etching ground.
This etching ground consists of a wax mixture that melts at lower temperature. It dissolves in terpentine and is suitable for most etching processes.
The product will welt on a hot plate, and with a leather roller the ground must be distributed evenly over the etching plate.
The plate will be covered with an even black layer. An etching needle is used to make the image in the black layer. Because of the contrast between the metal and the black ground the image is clearly visible.