Books on printmaking and related subjects
Livres sur les arts graphiques
Boeken over grafische technieken

7. History, criticism, bibiography
7. Histoire, criticisme, bibliographie
7. Geschiedenis, kritieken, bibliografie
  • ADHEMAR (Jean) Graphic Art of the l8th Century. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964.
  • ADHEMAR (Jean) Meesters der Prentkunst in de 18e eeuw. W. Gaade Den Haag. 1965. collection Polymetaal.
  • ADHEMAR (Jean) La Gravure Originale au XVIII°S. Paris: Somogy, 1963.
  • ADHEMAR (Jean) La Gravure Originale au XX°S, Paris: Somogy, 1967.
  • ALLEN (Lynne) McGibbon (Phyllis) The best of PRINTMAKING, an international collection. 1997 ISBN 1-56496-371-3. Quarry Books, collection Polymetaal.
  • ANDREWS (Michael F.) Creative Printmaking. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 1964.
  • ANDREWS (William Loring) Paul Revere and his Engraving. New York Charles Scribner's Sons, 1901. Value appr. US$ 400,--
  • ANTWERP (Municipal Authorities of) Works of art from the PLANTIN MORETUS MUSEUM 1925. collection Polymetaal.
  • BARTSCH (Adam von-) Le Peintre Graveur. 21 vol., Leipzig, 1876; new ed. Wurzburg: 1920.
  • BARTSCH (A.) Le Peintre Graveur (XVe-XVIIe ciècles) London, 1803-1821, 21 sections.
  • BASLER ( Adolphe ), KUNSTLER (Charles) Le Dessin et la Gravure Moderne en France. Paris: Crès, 1930.
  • BAUDI Dl VESME ( Allessandro) Le Peintre-Graveur Italien. Milan: Hoepli, 1906.
  • BENEZIT (E.) Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les temps et de tous les pays Paris 1976 3e édition, 10 volumes (1ière édition : 1911-1923 3 volumes; 2e édition : 1948-1955, 8 volumes).
  • BERALDI Les Graveurs du XlX°S. Paris: 1886.
  • BERLIN (W.) MODERNE KUNST IN MEISTER-HOLZSCHNITTEN XIII. BAND. Verlag Von Rich. Bong. +/- 1920. collection Polymetaal.
  • BERLIN (W.) MODERNE KUNST IN MEISTER-HOLZSCHNITTEN V. BAND. Verlag Von Rich. Bong. +/- 1920. collection Polymetaal.
  • BERRY (W. Turner) POOLE (H. Edmond) ANNALS OF PRINTING. A chronological Encyclopaedia. London, Blanford Press 1966. Value appr. Euro 50,-- collection Polymetaal.
  • BLADES (William) The Pentateuch of Printing, with a Chapter on Judges with a memoir of the author. London Elliot Stock, 1891 Value appr. Euro 85,-- collection Polymetaal.
  • BLAND (David) A History of Book Illustration. London national book league, 1955. Value appr. Euro 65,-- collection Polymetaal.
  • BLISS (D.P.) A history of wood Engraving New York, 1928
  • BLUM (A.) Les origines du papier, de l'imprimerie et de la gravure Paris 1935.
  • BLUM (A.) The Origins of Printing and Engraving New York 1940.
  • BLUM (A.) Les Origines de la Gravure en France, Paris, Brussel, 1927
  • BOCK (Elfried) Geschichte der graphischen Kunst von ihren Anfangen bis zum Gegenwart. Berlin: Propyläen, 1950.
  • BOLTEN (J.) THOLEN (E.) e.a. HET LEIDSE PRENTENKABINET. De geschiedenis van de verzamelingen. 1994 collection Polymetaal.
  • BOSCH (E.) Geschichte der graphischen Kunst.. Berlin 1950.
  • BOURCARD (Gustave) Graveurs et Gravures. Paris: Floury, 1910.
  • BROBY-JOHANSEN (R.) SORT og RØDT Grafiske Glimt. Tiden Norsk Forlag 1982. ISBN 82-10-02254-7. collection Polymetaal.
  • BROOKS (Alfred M.) From Holbein to Whistler. Notes on Drawing and Engraving. New Haven: Yale; London: Oxford University Press, 1920.
  • BROWN (J.H.U.) A guide to Collecting Fine Prints. 1989 London, The Scarecrow Press. collection Polymetaal
  • BRYAN (M.) Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. London, Bell & Sons, 1898
  • BUCHHEIM (L.G.) The Graphic Art of German Expressionism. New York: Universe Books, 1960.
  • CAHN (Joshua B.) What is an Original Print? New York: Print Council of America, 1961.
  • CAMNITZER (Luis) "Redefinition of the Print", Artist's Proof. Vol.6, 1966, pp. 102-105.
  • CARRINGTON (F.R.), DOGSON(C.) The Print Collector's Quarterly. 30 vols. New York and London, 1911-51.
  • CARRINGTON, FRITZROY Prints and Their Makers. New York: Century,1912.
  • CHAMBERLIN (Mary) Guide to Art Reference Books. Chicago: American Library Association, 1959.
  • CIRKER (Blanche) 1800 Woodcuts by THOMAS BEWICK and his school. Dover publications 1990. ISBN 0-486-20766-8, collection Polymetaal.
  • CLEAVER (James) A History of Graphic Art. London: Owen, 1963.
  • COLIN (Paul) La Gravure et les Graveurs. 2vol. Brussels: Van Oest, 1916-1918.
  • COMITE GRAPHISCHE KUNST IN DEN NIEDERLANDEN 1300-1800. Zur Internationalen Ausstellung für Buchgewerbe und Graphik Leipzig 1914, zusammengestellt vom Comité-Ausschuss der Niederländischen Abteilung. collection Polymetaal.
  • COURBOIN (François) Histoire Illustrée de la Gravure en France. Paris, Le Garrec, 1923-1926.
  • COURBAIN (F.), ROUX (M.) La Gravure Française, Essai de Bibliographie. Paris: 1927 - 1928.
  • COURBAIN (F.), Histoire illustré de la Gravure en France 7 vol. Paris 1923-1928.
  • CURWEN PRESS The IMPRINT Reprinted for the members of the Wynkyn de Worde Society. 1972. collection Polymetaal
  • CRAVEN (Thomas) A Treasury of American Prints. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1939.
  • DELABORIDE (H.) La Gravure en Italie avant Marc Antoine. Paris, 1883.
  • DELTEIL (Loys) Le Peintre-graveur illustré. 31 vols. Paris: Cher l'Auteur , 1906-1930; Da Capo, 1968.
  • DELTEIL (Loys) Manuel de l'amateur d'estampes du XVIII°S. Paris: Dorbon - Aîné, 1910.
  • DELTEIL (Loys) Manuel de l'amateur d'estampes du XlX° et du XX°S. 4 vols. Paris: Dorbon Aîné, 1925.
  • DEVON (Marjorie) TAMARIND, FORTY YEARS. Univ. of New Mexico Press 2000. collection Polymetaal
  • DITRICH (H.) HOFSTÄTTER (H.) Holzschnitt, Kupferstich, Lithographie und Seriegraphie. In Geschichte der Kunst und künstlerischen Techniken, Munich, 1965.
  • DITRICH (H.) HOFSTÄTTER (H.) Fünf Jahrhunderte europäischer Grafik. Ausstellungskatalog. Munich, 1965.
  • DORE (Gustave) 230 Gravures Taferelen uit het oude- en nieuwe testament. reprint, Foresta 1977. collection Polymetaal.
  • DREPPERD (Carl W.) Early American-prints. New York: Century, 1930.
  • DRUKKERS Drukkers in de marge Uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het tienjarig bestaan van de Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge. 1985. Meermanno-Westreenianum, collection Polymetaal.
  • DUPLESSIS (Georges) Essai de Bibliographie de la Gravure et des Graveurs. Paris: Rapilly, 1862.
  • DUPLESSIS (Georges) Histoire de la Gravure en France, Paris, 1861. collection Polymetaal. value appr. US$ 100,--
  • DUPLESSIS (Georges) Histoire de ja Gravure en Italie, en Espagne, en Allemagne, dans les Pays-Bas, en Angleterre et en France, suivie d'indiactions pour former une collection d'estampes. Paris Librairie Hachette et Cie, 1880, Value appr. $ 300,--
  • EICHENBERG (Fritz) Artist's Proof Annual. New York: Pratt Inst. Barre , N.Y. Graphic Soc., 1961.
  • EPPINK (Norman R.) 101 Prints. Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971/
  • FERN (A.) A Half Century of American Printmaking : 1875-1925.
  • FOCILION Les Maîtres de l'Estampe. Paris: 1930.
  • FOVILLE (Jean de ) LAURENS (H.) HISTOIRE DE LA PEINTURE EN FRANCE, illustrée en couleurs. LAURENS, Paris, 1910, collection Polymetaal.
  • GEISBERG (M.) Die Anfänge des Kupferstichs, in Meister der Graphik, Leipzig 1923.
  • GEISBERG (M.) Der Deutsche Einblattholzschnitt in der 1. Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts, 43 vol. Leipzig, 1923-19129
  • GERBER (Jack) A Selected Bibliographie of the Graphic Arts. Pittsburgh: Graphic Arts Technical Foundation, 1967.
  • GETLEIN (Frank ) The Bite of the Print. New York: Potter, 1963.
  • GILMOUR (Pat) Modern Prints. London: Studio Vista / Dutton Pictureback, 1970.
  • GLAISTER (Geoffrey A.) An Encyclopedia of the Book. Cleveland, New York: World, 1960.
  • GLASER (Curt) Die Graphik der Neuzeit. Berlin: Cassirer. 1923.
  • GOODMAN (Calvin J.)A Study of the Marketing of the Original Print. Los Angeles: Tamarind Lithography Workshop, 1964.
  • GRAFIEK NU Biënnale van Nederlandse grafische kunst 3. Singer Museum Laren. Cantecleer. ISBN 90 213 0463 5. collection Polymetaal.
  • GRAFIEK NU Biënnale van Nederlandse grafische kunst 4. Singer Museum Laren. Cantecleer. ISBN 90 213 09 335. collection Polymetaal.
  • GRAFIEK NU Biënnale van Nederlandse grafische kunst 8. Singer Museum Laren. Pitodori Pers. collection Polymetaal.
  • GRAUL (R.) Die Radierung der Gegenwart in Europa und Nordamerika, Vienna, 1892.
  • GRAY (Basil) The English Print. London: Black, 1937.
  • GREENHOOD (David) GENTRY (Helen) Chronology of Books & Printing. The Macmillan Company New York, 1936, collection Polymetaal
  • HAAS (Irvin) A Treasury of Great Prints. New York: Yoseloff, 1956.
  • HAIGHT (Anna L.) Portrait of Latin America As Seen by Her Print-Makers. New York: Hastings, 1946.
  • HAMANN (Thomas) VERGESSENE WELTEN, Galerie Matuschek 1990, collection Polymetaal.
  • HAVELAAR (Just) THE ETCHINGS OF HEIN VON ESSEN. Amsterdam H.J.Paris 1929. collection Polymetaal.
  • HAYTER (Stanley W.) About Prints. London: Oxford, 1962. collection Polymetaal.
  • HERKOMER (Hubert) Autobiography of Hubert Herkomer 1890. signed by Sir Herkomer. printed for private circulation. collection Polymetaal.
  • HIND (Arthur M.)Early Italian Engraving. 7 vols. London: Quaritch; New York: Knoedler, 1938-48.
  • HIND (Arthur M.)Catalogue of Early Italian Engravings in the British Museum. London: British Museum, 1909-1910.
  • HIND (Arthur M.)Guide to the Collection of Early Italian Engravings, 1923.
  • HIND (Arthur M.) An introduction to a history of WOODCUT. Dover Publications 1963. Two Volumes. ISBN 0-486-20953-9. Collection Polymetaal.
  • HIND (Arthur M.)A Short History of Engraving & Etching London 1908.
  • HIND (Arthur M.)A History of Engraving and Etching. London: Constable. 1923.
  • HIND (Arthur M.) Engraving in England in the sixteenth & Seventeenth Centuries. A descriptive catalogue with introductions. Cambridge University Press, 1952. Value appr. US$ 600,-- Three volumes.
  • HIRTH(George)Kulturgeschichtliches Bilderbuch aus drei Jahrhunderten 6 vols. Leipzig: Hirth, 1881 - 1890.
  • HOLMAN (Louis A.) The Graphic Processes: Intaglo, Relief and Planographic. Boston : Goodspeed, 1929.
  • HOLME(Charles)Modern Etching and Engraving. London, New York: International Studio (John Lane), 1902. Complemented by his Modern Etchings, Mezzotints and Dry - Points. London, New york, 1913. collection Polymetaal.
  • HUPSE (G.J.) Weg van het boek. Geschiedenis en ontwikkeling van de grafische industrie en haar omgeving. Kluwer, 1981. collection Polymetaal.
  • IVINS (William M.Jr.) How Prints Look. New York: Metropolitan Museum. 1943: Boston: Beacon Press, 1958.
  • IVINS (William M.Jr.) Prints and Visual Communication. Cambridge: Harvard, 1953: repr. New York: Da Capo, 1969.
  • IVINS (William M.Jr.) Prints and Book. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard, 1926.
  • JOHNSON (Elaine L.) Contemporary Painters and Sculptors as Printmakers, New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1966.
  • JOHNSON (Una E.) Ambroise Vollard, Editeur. New York: Wittenborn, 1944.
  • KIEFER (Peter) Bücher & Graphik, Alte und Moderne Kunst. Pforzheim. 2002. Auktion 47.
  • KIRCHNER (Ernst Ludwig) Meisterwerke der Druckgrafik. collection Polymetaal. Stuttgart, Verlag Gerd Hatje. 1990.
  • KLEIN ESSINK (B.D.) KURPERSHOEK (Th.) Kennen en Herkennen. Kunstgeschiedenis en grafiek. 1962. collection Polymetaal. gezamelijke verenigingen tot bevordering van de vakopleiding in de grafische industrie.
  • KNOWLTON (Ken) " Collaborations with Artists - A Programmer's Reflections ". Graphic Languages. London: North-Holland Publishing Co. 1972.
  • KNUTTEL (Dr. G. Wzn.) HERCULES SEGHERS. H.J.W. Becht Amsterdam. +/- 1950. collection Polymetaal.
  • KONOW (Jürgen von -) Om Grafik. Malmö: Allhems, 1955.
  • KOOY (John) HET BOEK VAN DE PERS. W. de Haan Utrecht. collection Polymetaal
  • KORNFIELD and KLIPSTEIN Illustrierte Bücher des neunzehnten und zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Berne, 1965.
  • KRAUS (H.P.) and Co. History and Art of the Printed Book. New York: Kraus1 1959.
  • KRISTELLER (Paul) Kupferstich und Holzschnitt in vier Jahrhunderten. Berlin: Cassirer, 1922.
  • KURTH (J.) Die Geschichte des Japanischen Holzschnittes, 3 vol. Leipzig, 1929.
  • KURTH (Dr. W.) The complete woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer. Dover publications New York, 1963. collection Polymetaal.
  • LAVER (James) A History of British and American Etching. London: Benn, 1929.
  • LEBEER (Dr. Louis) De Vlaamsche houtsnede. 1927. collection Polymetaal
  • LE BLANC (Charles) Manuel de l'amateur d'Estampe. 4 vol. Paris: 1854.
  • LEHRS (Max) Geschichte und Kriticher Katalog.... 9 vols. Vienna: Gesellschaft für vervielfältigende Kunst, 1908-1934.
  • LEIPNIK ( F.L.) A History of French Etching from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day. London: Lane; New York: Dood, Mead, 1924.
  • LEPORINI (Heinrich) Der Kupferstichsammler.... Berlin: Schmidt, 1924.
  • LEVIS (Howard C.) A Descriptive Bibliography of the Most Important Books in the English Language Relating to the Art and History of Engraving and the Collecting of Prints. London: Ellis, 1912. Supplement and Index, 1913.
  • LEVIS (Howard C.) A Bibliography of American Books related to Prints and the Art and History of Engraving, also of Catalogues if Important Sales and Exhibitions of Prints held in America. London Chiswick Press, 1910. value appr. Euro 100,-- collection Polymetaal.
  • LIEBERMAN (William) Master Prints from the Museum Collection. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1949.
  • LIMBOUR (Georges) Hayter Le musée de poche. 1962. collection Polymetaal.
  • LINDEMANN (Gottfried) Prints and Drawings, A Pictorial History. New York: Praeqer, 1970.
  • LINTON (W.J.) The Masters of Wood-Engraving. London (B.F. Stevens) 1889
  • LIPPMANN (Friedrich) Engravings and Woodcuts by Old Masters... 5 vols. London: Quaritch: 1889-1904.
  • LIPPMANN (Friedrich) Engraving and Etching. New York: Scribners, 1906.
  • LONGSTREET (Stephen) A Treasury of the World's Grat Prints. New York: Simon & Schuster. 1961
  • LUCAS (E. Louise) Art books: A Basic Bibliography.... pp. 91-100 (graphic arts ). Greenwich, N.Y. Graphic Soc., 1968.
  • MABERLY (Joseph) The Print Collector. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1880.
  • MAYOR (Hyatt) Prints and People. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1971.
  • MAYOR (Hyatt) Modern Art in Prints. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1973.
  • McMURTRIE (Douglas) The Book; The Story of Printing & Bookmaking. London University Press 1962.
  • MELOT (Michel) GRIFFITHS (Antony) FIELD (Richard S) BEGUIN (André) PRINTS, History of an Art SKIRA Geneva 1981 ISBN 2-605 -00124-5 collection Polymetaal
  • MEDER (J.) Die Technische Entwicklung der Graphik, Vienna 1908.
  • MODEL (J.) SPRINGER (J.) Der Französische Farbenstich des 18. Jahrhunderts, Stuttgart-Berlin, 1912.
  • MONGAN (Elizabeth) Selections from the Rosenwald Collection. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 1943.
  • NAGLER (Dr. G.K.) Künstler-Lexicon, Munich 1835-52
  • NAGLER (Dr. G.K.) Die Monogrammisten, Munich 1858-79.
  • NAVE (Dr. F. de) and others, "OVER LETTERS, BOEKEN EN PRENTEN" Museum Plantin-Moretus en Stedelijk Prentenkabinet, Stad Antwerpen, 1990, collection Polymetaal.
  • NEUER (Roni) LIBERTSON (Herbert) UKIYO-E, 250 jaar Japanese Prentkunst. Atrium, ISBN 90 6113 470 6 CIP. collection Polymetaal.
  • NICAISE (Librairie -) Cubisme, futurisme, dada, surréalisme. Paris, 1960. Complemented by Poésie-prose: peintres-graveurs de notre temps. 1964.
  • NIEMIJER (Jan A.) NICO BUILDER, de houtgraveur. de Vuurbaak, Groningen, 1979. ISBN 906015424X collection Polymetaal.
  • OSWALD (John Clyde): A History of Printing, Its Development Through Five Hundred Years, 1929 The Library Press Limited.
  • OVERBEEKE (Michel van) Michel van Overbeeke, 30 jaar Kunstenaarsschap. Magazine Partners, Purmerend. collection Polymetaal.
  • PAULI (G.) Inkunabeln der Deutschen und Niederländischen Radierung, Berlin, 1908
  • PAPILLON (J.M.) Traité historique et pratique de la gravure en bois, Paris 1766.
  • PAPILLON (J.M.) Woodcuts by Thomas Bewick and his school, New York, 1800 (Dover Publications).
  • PASSAVANT (Johann D.) Le Peintre-graveur. . . . 6 vols. in 3. Leipzig: Weigel, 1860-64; repr.- New York: Franklin, 1964.
  • PASSERON (Roger) French Prints of the Twentieth Century. New York: Preager, 1970.
  • PENNELL (Joseph) The Graphic Arts Chicago: U. of Chicago Press, 1921.
  • PETERDI (Gabor) Great Prints of the World. .New York: Macmillan, 1959.
  • PETERDI (Gabor)Printmaking. New York: Macmillan, 1959.
  • PICA (V.), MASSA (A. del - ) Atlas de la Gravure Moderne. Florence: Rinascimento del Libro, 1928.
  • PITTALUGA (M.) L'Incisione Italiana net cinquecento, Milano 1928.
  • PLATTE (Hans) Artists' Prints in Colour. London: Barrie & Rockcliffe, 1961.
  • PLOWMAN (George T.) Etching and Other Graphic Arts. New York: Lane, 1914.
  • POLLARD (Alfred W.) Early Illustrated Books, A history of the Decoration and Illustration of books in the 15th and 16th Centuries. 1893. London, Kegan Paul, reprint 1942. Value appr. Euro 25,-- collection Polymetaal.
  • POORTENAAR (Jan) Coster, niet Gutenberg 1947 in den Toren, Naarden.collection Polymetaal. (2 stuks)
  • POORTENAAR (Jan) Hollandsche Etsers van de Gouden Eeuw. 1938 In den Toren. collection Polymetaal.
  • PORTALIS (Roger),BERALDI (Henri) Les Graveurs du dix-huitième siècle, 3 vols. Paris: Morgand et Patout, 1880-1882.
  • PORZIO (Domenico) LITHOGRAPHY 200 years of art, history & technique. ISBN 1-55521-307-3 The Wellfleet Press, 1982. collection Polymetaal.
  • PRINTING AND ENGRAVING; SCULTURA-HISTORICO-TECHNICA: or The History of the Art of Ingraving. Extracted from Baldinucci, Florent le Compte, Faithhorne, the Abcedario Pittorico etc. copy from original 1747/1730.
  • REESE (Albert) American Prize Prints of the Twentieth Century. New York: American Artists Group, 1949.
  • REICHEL (A.) Die Clairobscurschnitte des XVI., XVII., und XVIII. Jahrhunderts. Zürich, 1926.
  • REIFFENBERG (Frederic-Auguste-Ferdinand-Thomas). Plus Ancienne gravure connue avec une date. Bruxelles: M.Hayez, 1845. Value appr. US$ 150,--
  • REINER (Imre) Woodcuts-Wood Engraving. St. Gall, Switzerland: Zollikofer, 1947.
  • REYNOLDS (Graham) The Engravings of S.W. Hayter. London: H.M. Stationery Office, 1967.
  • ROBERT-DUMESNIL (A.P.F.) Le Peintre-Graveur Français. Ouvrage faisant suite du Peintre-graveur de Monsieur Bartsch. 11 vols. , Paris: Huzard, 1835-71.
  • ROBERTSON (Ronald G.) Contemporary Printmaking in Japan. New York: Crown, 1965.
  • ROBINS (W.P.) Etching Craft. London: Bookman's Journal and Print Collector, 1922.
  • ROGER-MARX (Claude) French Original Engravings from, Manet to the Present Time. London, New York: Hyperion, 1939.
  • ROGER-MARX (Claude) graphic Art of the 19th Century. New York: McGraw-hill, 1962.
  • ROGER-MARX (Claude) La Gravure Originale au XX°S. Paris: Somogy, 1962.
  • ROSENTHAL (Léon), ADHEMAR (Jean) La Gravure. 2d. ed. rev. Paris: Laurens, 1939.
  • ROUIR (Eugène) La Gravure, des origines à la fin du XVI°S. Paris: 1971.
  • ROUIR (Eugène) La Gravure Originale au XVII°S. Paris: Somogy, 1974.
  • ROUIR (Eugène) L'Estampe, valeur de placement. Paris: Le Prat, 1973.
  • SACHS (Paul J.) Modern Prints and Drawings. New York: Knopf, 1954.
  • SALAMAN (Malcolm C.) The Charm of the Etcher's Art. 3 vols. London: Studio, 1920.
  • SALAMAN (Malcolm C.) Modern Masters of Etching, Alphonse Legros, 1926 The Studio London. collection Polymetaal.
  • SCHMOOK (G.) WORDINGSGESCHIEDENIS VAN HET BOEK. 1931. De Sikkel Antwerpen. collection Polymetaal.
  • SCHREIBER (W.L.) Manuel de l'amateur de la gravure sur bois et sur métal au XV'S. Berlin and Leipzig, 1891-1910. 2d., 8 vols. In German: Handbuch des Holz-und Metal- Schnittes in XV Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1926-1930.
  • SCHWENCKE (Johan) De houtgravure in de hedendaagse Engelse boekkunst A.A.M. Stols, Den Haag. 1948. collection Polymetaal
  • SERVOLINI (Luigi) Dizionario illustrato degli incisori italiani: Moderni e contempranei. Milan: Gorlich, 1955.
  • SERVOLINI (Luigi) La Xilografia a chiaroscuro italiana nei secoli XVI, XVII, XVIII Lecco. 1928.
  • SEVERINI (Maria) Grafica italiana contenporanea. Venice: Pozza, 1961.
  • SHADWELL (Wendy J.) American Printmaking, the first 150 years. Smithsonian Institution Press. 1969. 71-75748 Library of Congress. collection Polymetaal
  • SINGER (Hans W.) Die Moderne Graphik. 2. Aufl. Leipzig: Seeman, 1920.
  • SINGER (Hans W.) ,STRANG (William) Etching, Engraving and the Other Methods of Printing Pictures. London: Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1897.
  • SKIRA (Albert) Anthologie du livre illustré par les peintres et sculpteurs de l'école de Paris. Paris: Skira, 1946. Enlarged and updated by The Artist and the Book in Western Europe and the United states, 1860-1960. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts; Cambridge, Mass. Harvard College Library, 1961.
  • SPARROW (Walter Shaw) A Book of British Etching from Francis Barlow to Francis Seymour Haden. London. John Lane the Bodley Head Ltd. 1926. collection Polymetaal.
  • STATLER (Oliver) Modern Japanese Prints. Tokyo and Rutland, Vt.: Tuttle, 1956.
  • STEENHOFF (W.) Hercules Seghers. H. J. Paris Amsterdam 1924. collection Polymetaal.
  • STEVENSON (George A.) Graphic Arts Encyclopedia. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1968.
  • STOKKOM (Henk van) SENZA TITOLO, zesenzestig kunstenaars aan het werk tijdens de workshop 1995 in het grafisch atelier Daglicht. collection Polymetaal
  • STUBBE (Wolf) Graphic Arts in the Twentieth Century. New York: Praeger, 1963.
  • SWILLENS (P.T.A.) Prentkunst in de Nederlanden tot 1800 uitgeverij het Spectrum, Utrecht, collection Polymetaal.
  • UNIVERSITEIT LEIDEN, GOED GEZIEN, Tien eeuwen wetenschap in handschrift en druk, 1987, collection Polymetaal
  • VRIES (R.W.P. de Vries Jr.) Jan Poortenaar en zijn werk In den Toren, Naarden, 1947, collection Polymetaal.
  • WEAVER (Peter) Printmaking, a Medium for Basic Design. London: Studio Vista 1968.
  • WECHSLER (Herman J.) Great Prints and Printmakers. New York: Abrams, 1967.
  • WEDMORE (Frederick) Etchings, G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1911. collection Polymetaal
  • WEDMORE (Frederick) Fine Prints. new. ed. Edinburgh: Grant, 1905.
  • WEITENKAMPF (Frank) Famous Prints. New York: Scribner, 1926. Complemented by How to Appreciate Prints, 1927.
  • WESTERIK (Co) GRAFIEK 1945-1984, Haags Gemeentemuseum, collection Polymetaal
  • WEYL (H.) Symmetry. Princeton: 1952.
  • WHYTE (L.) Unitary Principle in Physics and Biology. ??? London: 1949.
  • WHITMAN (Alfred) Print Collector's Handbook. London: George Bell, 1903. collection Polymetaal.
  • WHITMAN (Alfred) Masters of Mezzotint. London, Bell & Sons, 1898, collection Polymetaal.
  • WILLSHIRE (William H.) An Introduction to the Study end Care of Ancient Prints. 2d. ed., 2 vols. London: Ellis and White, 1877.
  • WYSZECKI (C.), STILES (W.S.) Colour Science. New York, 1967.
  • ZANI, (D. Pietro.) Materiali per servire alla storia dell'origine de'progressi. Parma Carmignani, 1802. Value appr. US$ 300,--
  • ZIGROSSER (Carl) The Artist in America. New York: Knopf, 1942.
  • ZIGROSSER (Carl) The Book of Fine Prints. rev. New York: Crown, 1956.
  • ZIGROSSER (Carl) Multum in Parvo.... New York: Braziller, 1965.
  • ZIGROSSER (Carl) Prints. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962.
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