Blockprint inks, and conditioners, water soluble

Graphic Chemical watersoluble blockprint inks
Graphic Chemical watersoluble blockprint inks
Inks with a good reputation. Unfortunately difficult to obtain.
Speedball watersoluble block print inks
Speedball watersoluble block print inks
Inks for linocut, woodcut, typography, etc. Available in tubes and jars.
Cranfield Caligo Safe Wash Relief Inks
Cranfield Caligo Safe Wash Relief Inks
Cranfield makes inks with an excellent reputation. These inks are available in various tubes and jars
Speedball Fabric Block Printing Inks
Speedball Fabric Block Printing Inks

Een uniek Speedball product; wateroplosbare hoogdrukinkten voor het bedrukken van stoffen, textiel
Essdee, water-based blockprint inks (for linocuts)
Essdee, water-based blockprint inks (for linocuts)