Lithografische inkten (tusches) van Rohrer & Klingner (Duitsland)

In 1892 begon de lithograaf Adolf Rohrer (1850 – 1918) met de productie van speciale grafische materialen Leipzig. Zijn zoon Johann Adolf Rohrer junior begon met zijn partner Felix Arthur Klingner in 1907 de onderneming die nog steeds bekend is onder de naam Rohrer & Klingner Leipzig-Co.
Na de 2e W.O. kwam Johannes Rohrer (1916 – 1991) in het bedrijf met zijn chemische kennis en zijn bijzondere interesse in de kunsten. Na zijn pensionering in 1981 heeft hij het bedrijf overgedragen aan zijn dochter Veronika Rohrer en zijn zwager Hubert Adamy.
Op basis van zeer oude recepten worden de producten met de hand gemaakt.


Rohrer & Klingner, lithographic ink, bottle 250 grams, #29400250

Rohrer & Klingner
重 量: kg

For drawing on stone, aluminium and zinc plates. They are highly resistant against acids.

Using a highly dispersed pigment that is ideal for the work with the quill, the ink is compounded of the well established ingredients shellac, wax and soap.

While the liquid ink is suited for covering areas completely, the solid ink is excellent for halftones and transitions. The solid ink can be mixed with warm water or a solvent.

Apart from the quill, other eligible drawing utensils are drawing- and reed-pens.

Rohrer & Klingner, universal lithographic ink, solid stick form #29400001

Rohrer & Klingner
重 量: kg

For drawing on stone, aluminium and zinc plates. They are highly resistant against acids.

Using a highly dispersed pigment that is ideal for the work with the quill, the ink is compounded of the well established ingredients shellac, wax and soap.

While the liquid ink is suited for covering areas completely, the solid ink is excellent for halftones and transitions. The solid ink can be mixed with warm water or a solvent.

Apart from the quill, other eligible drawing utensils are drawing- and reed-pens.

Rohrer & Klingner, ink for autography (lithography on paper) , bottle 100 grams, #29410100

Rohrer & Klingner
重 量: kg

The term “autographic' originates from Greek and means “writing itself. This method, discovered at the turn of the century by Aloys Senefelder during the invention of lithography, made writings, drawings and music sheets printable.
This special ink is applied first on transference paper, which is thereupon used to print the image on the stone that then reprints it.

Suitable transference papers are strongly sized paper, which can also be produced from ordinary papers.