Workshops in the Polymetaal printmaking studio managed by Petra Tolboom
Regelmatig worden er in het Polymetaal Grafisch Atelier (Evertsenstraat 69 C, Leiden) workshops georganiseerd door Petra Tolboom. Hierbij ligt de nadruk op milieu-vriendelijke technieken. Voor het aanbod van workshops en de mogelijkheden kunt u het beste zelf kontakt opnemen met Petra Tolboom via e-mail: Regelmatig doet Petra ook workshops elders, meestal in België. Voor data en eventuele links, zie hieronder.
On a regular basis Petra Tolboom, organizes workshops on printmaking techniques. These workshops take place in the Polymetaal buildings (Evertsenstraat 69 C, Leiden, Netherlands), or elsewhere. The focus of these workshops is often "non-toxic". Please contact Petra Tolboom at if you have any questions. Regularly Petra does workshop in Belgium. For dates and links, check below.
Petra speaks, apart from Dutch, also English, German, French and a bit of Spanish. Normally the "workshop-language" is Dutch, but can be adapted if required.
11th July 2015. A photopolymer-printmaking day in the Den Haag printmaking studio, by Petra Tolboom. Information requests via e-mail to
13th-16yh July 2015, 4 day workshop. "photopolymer and non-toxic etching" Atelier Blauwhof, Kessel, Belgium
Optional Workshops
The Polymetaal Printmaking Workshop, managed by Petra Tolboom, can be used for all kinds of training purposes. Some well known Printmakers have asked if they could perhaps do workshops in the Polymetaal Studio. So, if you are interested in joining one of the workshops here below, please let us know and send an e-mail to As soon as there are enough participants we will contact you with more information. And, Printmakers all over the world, if you are interested in teaching other printmakers your skills and doing a workshop in the Polymetaal Studio in Leiden, don't hesitate to send us a message.
MAKING WOODBLOCK PRINTS by Rod Nelson. Rod Nelson is an English artist and he is specialized in Woodcut. He recently wrote a book about this subject. You can reach him at On the right hand side some examples of his work in cooperation with Merlyn Chesterman website
ELECTRO-ETCHING by Alfonso Crujera Alfonso Crujera is involved in electro-etching since 2001. He lives in Gran Canaria Island. Check his website:
There are plans for a workshop "Heliogravure", by Jennifer Page (USA), but probably only in 2016