user's instructions for
made by Wouter Ferro "free lance research and
development person" for Polymetaal
- Clean and
degrease your plate (copper, but supposedly also
other metals) very well e.g. with a sponge and
soy sauce. Do not use sand paper as you are
going to bite the metal plate. Dry the plate
well with paper or cloth.
- Put the plate
horizontally and spray on a thin layer of
photopolymere. Keep the spray can more or less
vertical at approx. 20 cm from the plate. The
drops of the spray spread out to make an even
layer in a moment.
- Do not handle
in natural light, because of the UV sensitivity
of the material.
- Dry the plate
in a stove (20 minutes, 70 C) or just ambient
temperature (> = 24 hours). Supposedly the
plates can now be stored in the dark for days or
weeks before further use.
- Expose the
plate to a UV source with your transparency (and
a aquatint screen if applicable). The
sensitivity is roughly the same as that of the
photopolymere films (Image on etc). Of course
you need to run your own calibrations for your
specific lamp and set up.
- After exposure
no image can be seen yet. Develop in a solution
of 7 g NaOH (caustic soda) per liter. (note this
photopolymere layer does not develop with Sodium
carbonate=soda). Developing time will be in the
range of 1-1.5 minute. Wash with ample water.
Check by submerging your plate a moment in
Ferric chloride (or the mordant that you use) if
the photopolymere has been removed totally in
the dark parts of your image. If not, wash and
continue developing some more
- When the
developing is complete, wash and dry your plate
and expose for several minutes to UV to harden.
Then bite the copper as you wish.
- Remove the
photopolymere in caustic soda of 30 g/l . This
goes very quick, i.e. a few minutes. Wash and
dry. You can now print your plate, or work
further on it with other techniques.
- Use gloves when
handling caustic soda.
- The spray can
contains a gas that cannot be seen as
- The spray does
not seem suitable to make a thick layer to
practise intaglio in the photopolymere layer (as
done with Image on, Z-acryl and DK photopolymere
- Concentrated
sodium carbonate and 'Dasty' do not dissolve
this photopolymere. The producer states that the
material does dissolve in acetone or similar
organic solvents, but for safety, the
environment and economics caustic soda is
Positiv-20 spray can be
used as an alternative for ready made films like Imagon HD,
Z*Acryl etc. The thickness of the layer is however much more
difficult to control.
Clean the surface of the plate using a very soft sandpaper.
Do not touch the already cleaned parts as they will 'rust'
very quickly. Degrease the plate with a degreaser.
Spray a thin layer of
Positiv 20 spray on the copper plate.
This is how it should look
like right after spraying. If you leave the plate to dry,
the photo-sensitive layer will become more continuous.
Drying will take 24 hours in dark at ambient temperature, or
30 minutes at 70 Celsius degrees.
Next you can proceed the
same way as with photopolymer film; expose, through a
transparent drawing or/and aquatint screen, with UV light.
Exposure times depend on thickness of layer, distance to the
lamp, power of lamp, etc.
After exposure the plate can be washed out in a 10%
soda-solution. The unexposed areas will dissolve in the
soda. The exposed areas will be hardened out. Before etching
(in ferric chloride) it is advisable to expose the whole
plate to UV, to be sure that alle areas are hardened