Printmaking with Solarplate
(photopolymer plates)
Photopolymerplates are used
in letterpress printing. In the 1960's these polymer plates
started to replace traditional metal plates en lead
characters, effictively freeing industrial printers from the
hazards of poisenes lead fumes generated when making tead
type on composing machines. (Monotype, Linotype). First it
was used in "Flexography" (=printing on flexible material
like cardboard boxes and alike). Later it replaced moore and
moore traditional plate making and lead type. In commercial
printmaking these plates are only used in the relief
printing process, that is why the plates have a certain
thickness. A photopolymer plate consists of three layers;
the steel backing plate, of appr. 0,3mm thick (only a
support), the photopolymer layer (appr. 0,3mm), and on top a
mylar protective transparent layer.
Photopolymer hardens out under the influence of UV-light
(Ultra-violet). Actually; unexposed material are "monomers",
unlinked molecules which can be washed out very easily with
water (+a bit of soda); exposed material is "polymers"
because all the molecules are linked together (=hardened),
and cannot be washed out with water+soda.
Dan Welden (an American
printmaker) found that by exposing a plate in the sun, he
could make a high quality intaglio plate very simply
and cuickly, thus the name "solar plate". Now the technique
is widely known as "solarplate printmaking" or "solar
etching", a term that describes so well the way many
printmakers are working - exposing plates in sunny backyards
and spending more time in the fresh air.
printmaker draws (paints) on a
transparency (mylar, drawing foil, grained
glass, etc).
transparency is placed face-to-face with
the solarplate and exposed in the sun
(exposure unit). UV-light penetrates clear
areas of the transparency and harders the
polymer, while areas beneath the opaque
lines of the drawing remain soluble. (If
the original is not a line drawing, an
extra exposure through an aqautint screen
is needed)
plate is scrubbed in tap water (+ a bit of
soda) and the soluble areas are washed
the plate needs a final exposure to harden
out all the remaining unhardened
molecules. The plate has grooves and lines
similar to an etched metal
printmaker inks the grooves and wipes the
surface to create an intaglio print,
prinrmaker rolls ink on to the surface and
creates a relief print.
Exposure equipment
- Contact frame. These
frames can come in many shapes. The simplest form is just
a foam "bed", with on top the solarplate, transparent, a
glass plate, and if need some extra weight to press it
all together. The only condition is that there is not a
gap between the tranparent and the solarplate, because
that will lead to an unsharp image. Professional or home
made vacuumframes are better of course.
- Exposure. Sunlight can
be used, but is not always available and gives trouble
calibrating your exposure times. Ready made UV-exposure
units are available; Professional units have a
vacuumframe and a UV-bulb lamp, or a set of UV-tubes. You
can start with a simple UV-bulb lamp+ induction coil.
(Polymetaal # 022545)
Solarplate in Intaglio Printmaking,
general outlines:
the plate with talc powder. (to avoid
sticking )
off excess talc powder
the aquatint screen face down on the
solarplate between glass and the
An aqautint screen is not needed if a line
drawing is concerned.
and expose.
Clamping is to avoid clearance between the
aquatint screen and the solarplate. If the
support is horizontal, placing some
weights on the glass plate has the same
affect. Exposure can be done in the sun,
as well as in a UV exposure
removing the aqautint screen, place the
transparency with the worked surface in
contact with the
and expose
the protective foil aff, and wash the
plate with tap water (+some
blotting, drying and post-exposing, file
the corners of the plate and begin
Post exposure is very important, to harden
out all the remaining monomer molecules in
the plate.
with tarlaton and finish with pages from a
telephone book.
For Intaglio printing,
photopolymer film is a good and cheaper alternative.
These films come on rolls and are called "ImagOn-Ultra"
"Puretch" "Z*Acryl-film" "Photec" etc. These films are
traditionally used in the electronic industry to print
circuit boards. Photopolymer plates were originally
developped for commercial relief printing (Flexography). The
thickness of the layer is appropriate for relief printing;
but far thicker then needed for intaglio printing.
Photopolymer films are appr. 30 -50 microns thick ( 0,03 -
0,05 mm). Films are too thin for relief printing, but can be
used very well for intaglio printing. (Both as "Intaglio
Type" (=photopolymer layer carries the ink) as well as
photopolymer film as an "etching resist")
Intaglio photopolymer films are laminated on to a support,
which is normally a copperplate.
Making a relief solarplate from opaque
through opaque film
the plastic coating from the
the image face down on the
the plate to the sun (or UV-unit) in a
contact frame
water (+some soda) on the
the plate. Observe that the water has
removed the polymer in the unexposed
exposure to harden the remaining monomer
molecules, Rinse the plate in water and
blott the plate.
a hair dryer to dry the plate, or use a
drying cabinet
relief depth is apparent in raking
the plate. The plate can be printed on a
relief press or with a spoon or a baren.
(Japanese style)
The above gives just an
overview of solar plate printamking. More information can be
found in the following books:
- Printmaking in the sun.
An Artist's Guide to Making Professional-Quality Prints
using the Solarplate Method. Written by Dan Welden and
Pauline Muir. 2001 Watson-Guptill New York.
- Printmaking with
Photopolymer Plates. A new, safe, versatile printmaking
technique for artists and students. Written by Dianne
Longley. 1998 Illumination Press. Adelaide.