Technical data of the etching press JZE-125

Bed size

136 x 250 cm

54" x 98"

Diameter top roller

30 cm


Bed thickness

2 cm


Wall thickness of the rollers

3,2 cm


Press dimensions:

Diameter bottom roller

32 cm


- Length (of sideframes)

240 cm


Work height of the press

88 cm


- Width (including hand wheel)

185 cm


Thickness of the steel side frames

5 cm


- Height

160 cm


Maximum opening between bed and top roller

10 cm


Length of rollers

125 cm


Schrew thread of pressure spindles (metric)

M 30

GPress weight

1550 kg

3410 lbs

Diameter of the hand wheel

92 cm


Diameter shafts in bearing blocks

8 cm


Minimum door width required to move the press, without gear box and electric cabinet

Voltage required for the system (is being converted by frequency converter into 3-fase power with variable frequency)

230 Volt. AC monophase

120 volt AC monophase as option

Variable printing spreed

1-6 cm/sec


Power electric motor

1000 Watt

Weight of the crate

1650 kg

3630 lbs

The etching presses in the JZE series are very heavily built. These are the characteristics;

  • It is not the rollers that are driven, but the bed. This of course makes the technical construction more complicated, but has the advantage that "slip" is excluded. The bed is powered by two "racks", one on each side of the bed. These racks are driven by a gear system.
  • As with all our presses, the upper roller rests on compression springs. When the pressure spindles are loosened, the roller goes up, which is very useful when printing wood and linocuts.
  • A hydraulic cylinder is located under the pressure spindles. These cylinders are connected to each other by means of a hydraulic line and to a hand pump. This hand pump is mounted on the side frame on the side of the hand wheel. This system makes "pressurizing" of the upper roller very easy. The "normal" pressure spindles are used to move the upper roller vertically. As soon as the upper roller is in the correct position, the roller can be pressurized with the hydraulic pump. The maximum pressure force per side is 10,000 kg. This means that the roller exerts a total maximum force of 20 tonnes (20,000 kg). The exact force can be read on the pressure gauge. The two hydraulic cylinders are connected to each other as standard, so that the pressure on both sides of the press is always the same. With this hydraulic pressure and measurement system it is easy to simulate the conditions of a previous printing run, if these have been recorded.
  • The presses are equipped with light cells. If the light path is interrupted (for example by the hand of the printmaker), the drive stops immediately.
  • The presses can always be driven manually, even at any time, and without interrupting printing. Shifting a clutch switches the motor drive off and the hand drive on and vice versa. This is very practical during "proofing".
  • The presses are driven by an electric motor with a variable speed. The motor is powered by direct current and electronically controlled. The power supply for this system can be 220 Volts, 110 Volts or 380 Volts (alternating current). (Specify when ordering).
  • These presses are equipped with a "slip coupling". Suppose someone accidentally leaves a screwdriver or the like on the bed. This can lead to damage to the rollers. To prevent such damage as much as possible, the slip coupling is built in. As soon as the bed is blocked in motion, the coupling is activated and the bed stops. The "torque" at which the clutch will slip can and must be set by the printmaker.
  • The four "feet" of the press have an adjustment option. This allows the press to be accurately adjusted to the floor. It is important to level the press as much as possible.

Click on the images below for more information:

Rear side of the JZE etching press, with drive system, hydraulic cylinders and bearing blocks.
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Steel box with electric components and hydraulic handpump.
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Electric motor, worm-gear-system, and coupling to switch between manual and electric mode.
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Rear side of the press with the big gear wheel with the built in torque limiter. The torque to activate the coupling is adjustable. This is important for the safety of the press. Damage to the press, by "a forgotten tool on the bed" can be avoided in this way.
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Position of the photo-electric cell. The infra red light is bounced back by the reflector, and if interrupted, will immediately stop the machine. (the drive system goes even in reverse during about one second)
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Reflector oppostite the photo-electric cell.
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Detail of the hand wheel, pressure gauge and hydraulic cylinder, of the JZE-etching press.
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Electric main circuit of the JZE-etching press
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Electric control circuit of the JZE-etching press
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Option; de JZE-etching press on swivel wheels
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Option; JZE-etching press with a rotating blanket system. The image shows a JZE press with a rotating blanket system. However this system only allows one layer of blankets
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