
Nouveau Manuel Complet de L'Imprimeur Lithographe, par M. L.-R. Brégeaut, Paris 1850

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Die Lithografie, Eine Einführung, VEB Verlag der Kunst, Dresden, Rudolf Mayer

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De toekomst van ons Grafisch Verleden, Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge, Gerard Post van der Molen, 2004

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Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge

Grabado en madera, y técnicas afines, Walter Chamberlain

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Einführung in die Lithographie, Hans Eggen, Heinz Kraus

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Eggen Fachbuchreihe 1959

Histoire et Technique de la Photogravure, E. Courmont, 1947

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Paris, Gauthier-Villars, Imprimeur-Éditeur, 1947

Manual de Artes Gráficas, R. Randolph Karch

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Editerial F. Trillas, S.A. México, 1970

The Silk Screen Printing Process. J.I. Biegeleisen and E.J. Busenbark, 1941

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With a beautiful multi colour screen print in front. second edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1941

Pigmenten en Bindmiddelen, restauratie schildertechnieken. Matthijs de Keijzer, Pieter Keune

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Stichting Nationaal Restauratie Centrum, 2001

The Etcher's Handbook, P.G. Hamerton, 1881

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The Etcher's Handbook by Philip Gilbert Hamerton, author of "etching and etchers" Giving an account of the old processes, amd of processes recently discovered. Charles Roberson & Co, third edition, London, 1881

Geïllustreerd handwoordenboek voor de grafische vakken, T.T. Winkler

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Uitgeverij en drukkerij hollandia Baarn

Die Kunst des manuellen Bilddrucks, Erich Rhein, 1958

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Zweite Auflage, Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg, 1958

Hedendaagsche Grafische Technieken, L. Ronner, 1938

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Amsterdamse Grafische School, Amsterdam, 1938

Zwei Jahrhunderte niederländischer Zeichenkunst. Teréz Gerszi

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Ausgewählte niederländische Meisterzeichnungen des 16.-17. Jahrhunderts. Museum der Bildenden Künste Budapest. Corvina. 1983

The Process Engravers Compendium, a description of the reporductive processes allied to the printing trade

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Issued by the federation of master process engravers, room 268, Bank chambers, 329 high holborn. London
The Art of photo-process engraving covers so extended a field, and different requirements in colour, half tone and line illustration vary so widely in their manipulation, that a price schedule which adequately deals with the whole range of the craft must be at first sight appear complicated.
A slight study of the compendium will, however, make it evident that those concerned in estimating or checking the cost of engravings of all types have at hand a means of solving any question of the kind that may arise, with uccuracy and without delay.
The federation of master process engravers trust that this publication will be appreciated as a mark of their desire to cooperate with the clientèle whom they serve.