Lyons, rascadores y bruñidores
La forma triangular masiva tiene tres lados afilados utilizados para raspar la superficie de la placa; para hacer imágenes y correcciones. Hecho de acero para herramientas de alto carbono. La longitud total es 6.5 ".(165 mm)
Small solid triangular shape has three sharp sides used for scraping away the plate surface; for image making and corrections, great for detail work. Made of high carbon tool steel. Total length is 6"
Solid triangular shape has three sharp sides used for scraping away the plate surface; for image making and corrections. Made of high carbon tool steel. Total length is 7".
El raspador triangular hueco tiene tres lados afilados utilizados para raspar la superficie de la placa; para hacer imágenes y correcciones. Hecho de acero para herramientas de alto carbono. La longitud total es de 7 ". (178 mm)
Triangular Scraper & curved burnisher combination tool. Two tools in one. Made of high carbon tool steel. Total length is 7".
Double sided, curved, small & large flat burnisher. Designed to flatten burrs and polish the plate surface. Also used for image making & corrections. Made of high carbon tool steel. Total length is 7
Un pequeño bruñidor en forma de bola bueno para el trabajo de detalle. La herramienta aplana rebabas y pule la superficie de la placa. Se usa para hacer imágenes o hacer correcciones. La longitud total es de 146 mm (5,75 ")
Burnisher has straight tip designed to flatten burrs and polish the plate surface. Also used for image making & corrections. Made of high carbon tool steel. Total length is 7".
Burnisher has small straight tip designed to flatten burrs and polish the plate surface, great for detail. Also used for image making & corrections. Made of high carbon tool steel. Total length is 5.75"
El Bruñidor tiene una punta curva diseñada para aplanar las rebabas y pulir la superficie de la placa. También se usa para la creación de imágenes y correcciones. Hecho de acero para herramientas de alto carbono. La longitud total es de 7 ". (178 mm)
Burnisher has a slim curved tip designed to flatten burrs and polish the plate surface, great for detail work. Also used for image making or making corrections 5.75"
Straight burnisher on one side, scribe/dry point on the other. Two tools in one. Made of high carbon tool steel. Total length is 7"
Curved burnisher on one side, scribe/dry point on the other. Two tools in one. Made of high carbon tool steel. Total length is 7"
Twisted steel handle with straight burnisher on one side and scribe/dry point on the other. Two tools in one. Made of high carbon tool steel. Total length is 7"
Burnisher has straight tip designed to flatten burrs and polish the plate surface. Also used for image making & corrections. Made of high carbon tool steel. Total length is 5.5".