Puretch Photopolymer films
Puretch can only be used as an etching resist, because the film is very thin, much thinner then ImagOn Ultra rapid, DK-film or Z*Acyl. The film is laminated on a copper plate and exposed to UV light through a transparent positive image. The film is washed out in a soda sulution, only the exposed and hardened parts remain on the plate. The plate is etched in ferric-chloride, inked and printed. Very fine details are possible. This film cannot be used for Ïntaglio Type", this film is not thick enough to hold a dark black. |
Click on the next links for more information about Puretch: |
- Introduction of Puretch
The film to be used as an etching resist; the method to combine photographic elements and the traditional approach.
- Examples of the fine details possible with Puretch
Because of the thin layer (12 micron) lPuretch allows very fine details.
- Users instructions
How to laminate the copper plate, to do exposure and the development
- Puretch and grey scales
A little theory on computers, software, printers in combination with Puretch
- The 21 Step Stouffer Guide
The method to compare and determine grey tones
- The exposure to the sun
For this you do not need an exposure unit or a vacuumframe
- Puretch trouble shooting
How to resolve problems
- Sicherheitsblatt
| Puretch processing guide written by Jennifer Page, Cape Fear Press. All rights reserved ©2001-2015. |