(originally made for "positiv-20", but that product is not available anymore. ). We assuma that the PRP positive fotoresist is comparable.
The following text has been taken from a handbook for making printed circuit boards for electronic applications. There are of course common ground with printmaking.
PRP Positive Photoresist aerosol can be used as an alternative to films such as Imagon HD, Z * Acrylic etc. However, the thickness of the layer is much more difficult to control. Clean the top of the plate with very soft sandpaper. Do not touch the cleaned parts, these parts will then corrode quickly. Degrease the plate with a degreaser..
Spray a thin layer of photopolymer on the copper plate..
This is what it looks like after applying the layer. As the layer dries, the layer thickness will become more even. The drying time will be approximately 24 hours at room temperature, or 30 minutes at 70 ° Celsius..