Table of Contents
Ink Consistency.
Mixing colours Create new colors by mixing Akua Intaglio inks with one another using an ink knife, or by adding Akua Kolor into Akua Intaglio. Akua Kolor is so highly concentrated that a few drops added to the same Akua Intaglio color will enrich it. Note: Akua Intaglio will temporarily thicken when Akua Kolor is added to it.
Inking the plate
Wiping the plate Akua Intaglio is very soft ink. It applies and wipes off the plate much easier and quicker than oil-based inks. Therefore, at first there may be a tendency to remove too much ink. For best results, use cheesecloth, or very soft tarlatan to wipe the surface of the plate. Roll the cheesecloth or soft tarlatan into a large ball shape. Follow through with a paper wipe if necessary. Be careful not to press your fingers into the inked surface of the plate. Since the ink is soft, it will transfer fingerprint impressions easily.
Printing on Paper
Akua Intaglio ink prints well on most standard printmaking papers. We suggest conducting a test by printing the same plate twice. Make one print on dry paper and another print on dampened paper. Your results may depend upon individual plate characteristics and the type of paper used.
Printing on dry paper offers higher contrast prints. It also eliminates the possibility of paper shrinkage making it ideal for printing multi-registered plates or combining prints with digital ink jet or letterpress images. Increase the press pressure and use soft printmaking papers when printing on dry paper. If the print results are blotchy or inconsistent it may be necessary to dampen the paper. Printing on damp paper may offer greater tonal values and more consistent print results for aquatints. Soak the paper for 30 seconds and blot thoroughly before using.
Re-Soaking Prints Akua Intaglio ink is permanent. If necessary, prints may be placed in a tray of water immediately after printing. Do not soak prints too long and be careful not to touch the image while wet.
Print Drying Times Akua Intaglio ink does not contain dryers. Typically a shallow bitten plate will take 24 hours to dry. Deeply bitten plates may take 2 weeks or longer. Drying time may also depend upon paper absorbency, climate, and the amount of ink applied. Glossy or coated papers are not reliable. Try to avoid using cobalt- or manganese dryers.
Cleaning Up First, clean all inky surfaces, rollers, and plates with a dry rag. Use 1 part liquid dish detergent to 20 parts water for cleaning up any remaining ink residue. Use a little vinegar diluted with water to clean any soap build up if necessary.
Trouble Shooting
Ink dries too light on the print
- Stir the ink thorougly in jar before using
- Try different papers
- If using Carbon Black, try Lamp Black
- Paper may be too wet (blot before using)
- Plate may be over wiped (apply ink with a rubber squeegee or wipe with less hand-pressure, softer tarlatan, or just paper wipe)
- Add Akua Kolor to the ink to enrich
Ink dries too dark on the print
Print dries too matte
- Add Akua Oil Converter to the ink
Etched lines bleed on finished print
- Paper may be too wet (blot before using)
- Try different papers
- Add Akua Oil Converter to the ink
Heavy inked prints dry slowly
- Toxic Cobalt and Manganese dryers are not recommended , but can be used.
- Dry de prints in a well ventilated area.
- Avoid a humid environment
- Give the print the time to dry.
Ink wipes out from incised lines
- Ink may be too loose (stiffen the ink with Akua Oil Converter)
Print lacks plate tone
- Loosen the ink by warming with hair dyer or hot plate.
- Print on damp paper
Print has too much plate tone
- Stiffen the ink with Akua Oil Converter
- Print on dry paper
- Wipe more thoroughly with paper
Prints dry blotchy
- Dampen the paper
- Avoid touching the inked surface of the plate and transferring fingerprints