"Old Stock" Printmaking products "Overstock" 


Polymetaal sells "old stock" or "overstock"products at a reduced price for several reasons:

  • Sometimes we get, find or buy printmaking products, that are "out of date", or they do not really fit in our programm.
  • In our stock we find sometimes products that are damaged, but still can be used.
  • When cutting linoleum, copper plates or zinc plates, cut-offs are cut to small standard sizes. Nothing wrong, but often we get too many small sizes, so they are sold at a reduced price.

Because of the special character of these products, there is no warranty on any of these. The products canniot be returned to us for any reason. No refunds.

Graphic Chemical Old Stock printing inks
Graphic Chemical "Old Stock" printing inks
"Old Stock" Printing Ink, Graphic Chemical. We do not know the condition of these inks, so we will sell then, without any guarantee, at a reduced price, until end of stock.
Oïffer OLD STOCK printing inks
Oïffer OLD STOCK printing inks
Old Stock Charbonnel etching inks
"Old Stock" Charbonnel etching inks
"Old Stock" Printing Ink, Charbonnel. We do not know the condition of these inks, so we will sell then, without any guarantee, at a reduced price, until end of stock
Old Stock Artools products
"Old Stock" Artools products
"Old Stock" Artools Products,. We do not know the condition of these products, so we will sell then, without any guarantee, at a reduced price, until end of stock
"Old Stock" "Verfmolen de Kat" products
Old Stock Zinc plates
"Old Stock" Zinc plates

"OLD STOCK" Zinc plates, ten pieces in a parcel

. Price per plate appr. 60% cheaper than the new plate.
Old Stock Copper plates
"Old Stock" Copper plates
"OLD STOCK" Copper plates, ten pieces in a parcel. Price per plate appr. 60% cheaper than a new plate
Old Stock Zerkall mould made paper, 18 x 23 cm, packs with ten sheets
"Old Stock" Zerkall mould made paper, 18 x 23 cm, packs with ten sheets
As you probably know, Zerkall stopped producing paper in 2021, as a result of the damage caused by a flood. Polymetaal has still some stock of Zerkall papers. However, from some papers, only the samples of 18 x 23 cm are left. That is the reason we sell those samples in sets of 10 sheets. They can perfectly be used for small prints.
"Old Stock" Linoleum for linocut, packs with ten pieces
Old Stock Helna lithographic inks
"Old Stock" Helna lithographic inks
Old Stock Peter van Ginkel etching inks in 300 gram cartridges
"Old Stock" Peter van Ginkel etching inks in 300 gram cartridges
Old Stock Peter van Ginkel lithography inks in 500 gram cans
"Old Stock" Peter van Ginkel lithography inks in 500 gram cans
Old Stock Peter van Ginkel lithography inks in 250 gram cans
"Old Stock" Peter van Ginkel lithography inks in 250 gram cans
Old Stock Peter van Ginkel, block print inks, 250 gram cans
"Old Stock" Peter van Ginkel, block print inks, 250 gram cans
OLD STOCK Peter van Ginkel, blockprint inks (relief) in 250 gram cans These inks come from "overstock" Peter van Ginkel. As you can see they are still in good condition.
Old Stock Printmaking Books
"Old Stock" Printmaking Books
"Old Stock" Books related to printmaking After collecting books during several decades, it in now time to downsize our Polymetaal library....
Old Stock printmaking tools
"Old Stock" printmaking tools
"OLD STOCK" Printmaking tools
Old Stock End Grain Pear Wood, for woodengraving
"Old Stock" End Grain Pear Wood, for woodengraving

These products come from a famous Belgian printmaking supplier Lesaffre in Kortrijk. Lesaffre stopped the business about 30 years ago.

"Old Stock" Lithography supplies