Poliro "roll-up" rollers, lithography, nitrile rubber / cotton flock

Some caracteristics of nitrile rubber with "cotton-flock"
  • As is visible on the image, the surface is rough because of the cotton fibres
  • The roll has similar caracteristics as a leather roll, it is also capable of absorbing moisture. This reduces the possibility of emulgation (mixing of ink and water)
  • Can transfer more ink than the nylon flock roll
  • Suitable for proof prints and printing earth tones
  • In the offset-industry these rolls are used to keep the offset rollers damp
  • These rollers can also be used to absorb the excess moisture from etching paper
  • Similar as the structured rollers from Graphic Chemical and Takash (rough surface and moisture absorbing)


Poliro, lithographic roller, length 30 cm (12"), diameter 16 cm, (6.3"), aluminium core, Nitril-Rubber-Cotton-Flock, hardness 32° Shore

重 量: kg

length rubber roller

30 cm (12")

diameter rubber roller

16 cm (6.3")

hardness rubber

32° Shore

sort of rubber

Nitrile-Rubber-Cotton-Flock (cotton fibers)

thickness of rubber

1 cm (0.4")

diameter aluminium core

14 cm (5.5")


4,5 kg (10 lbs)

totale length

55 cm (22")

Poliro, lithographic roller, length 40 cm (16"), diameter 16 cm, (6.3"), aluminium core, Nitril-Rubber-Cotton-Flock, hardness 32° Shore

重 量: kg

length rubber roller

40 cm (16")

diameter rubber roller

16 cm (6.3")

hardness rubber

32° Shore

sort of rubber

Nitrile-Rubber-Cotton-Flock (cotton fibers)

thickness of rubber

1 cm (0.4")

diameter aluminium core

14 cm (5.5")


4,8 kg (10 lbs)

totale length

65 cm (26")

Poliro, lithographic roller, length 50 cm (20"), diameter 16 cm, (6.3"), aluminium core, Nitril-Rubber-Cotton-Flock, hardness 32° Shore

重 量: kg

length rubber roller

50 cm (20")

diameter rubber roller

16 cm (6.3")

hardness rubber

32° Shore

sort of rubber

Nitrile-Rubber-Cotton-Flock (cotton fibers)

thickness of rubber

1 cm (0.4")

diameter aluminium core

14 cm (5.5")


6,7 kg (15 lbs)

totale length

75 cm (30")

Poliro, lithographic roller, length 60 cm (24"), diameter 16 cm, (6.3"), aluminium core, Nitril-Rubber-Cotton-Flock, hardness 32° Shore

重 量: kg

length rubber roller

60 cm (24")

diameter rubber roller

16 cm (6.3")

hardness rubber

32° Shore

sort of rubber

Nitrile-Rubber-Cotton-Flock (cotton fibers)

thickness of rubber

1 cm (0.4")

diameter aluminium core

14 cm (5.5")


7,8 kg (17 lbs)

totale length

85 cm (33")