User's instructions Hot Plates VTS-series, manufactured by Polymetaal.

These hotplates are, because of the high temperature, well suited for melting resin powder and asphalt powder as used for making the traditional aquatint. It is however important to maximize the heat transfer from the aluminium top of the hotplate to the etching plate. The actual heat transfer is a combination of heat radiation and heat conductivity. There where there is a metallic contact, heat transfer will take place through conductivity. If there is a small gap between the two metals, there will be heat transfer through radiation. Since condictivity is much more efficient than radiation, the parts that are in metallic contact will have a slighter higher temperature, thus effecting the melting process of the resin powder. This is the reason to pay extra attention to the way of contact, to ensure a heat transfer as even as possible.
Below you find an explanation of how to operate this heating equipment.

  1. Because of the electric power needed for this hotplate (approx. 3000 Watt), the connections to the electric supply must be executed by a qualified electrician.
  2. In accordance with your supplier this hot plate must be fitted with a 230 Volt electric plug.
  3. Turn the main switch vertically (ON).
  4. This main switch, shown on the electric circuit drawing (on this page) as S1, activates the whole system. When this switch is turned off, none of the electrical parts in the electric control box, are under electrical tention. So, switch this main switch always off, before you open the electric control box with the special key.
  5. Wait now approx. 8 seconds, since this time period is the response time of the temperature control device.
  6. Now appears on the display of the temperature control unit:
    in the top window (PV) in red: the real temperature of the hotplate..
    in the bottom window (SV) in green: the adjusted temperature of the hotplate.
  7. Changing the adjusted temperature:
    - press the button "Mode" under the temperature display.
    - by pressing the button "" the adjusted temperature is raised.
    - by pressing the button "" the adjusted temperature is lowered.
    - press again the button "Mode" to secure the selected value.
  8. By turning switch S2, the "1" pointing upwards, the heating system is switched on.
  9. The control system sends now only that amount of electric power to the elements, that is needed to reach the adjusted temperature.
  10. When the hotplate has reached the temperature of 45 °C , the red warming light will start flashing. This light will remain flashing until the temperature has dropped below 45°C, independent of the position of switch S2. This warning lamp will stop however if the main switch is turned off, or if the electric plug is pulled out of the electric outlet. That is why it is advisable to use only switch S2 while using this hotplate.
  11. Changes and repairs may only be done by sufficiently trained electricians.

Instrument panel

Electric circuit:

The manufacturer of these products:
P.O. Box 694
2300 AR Leiden
the Netherlands
, declares that these equipment comply to the European Standard IEC 335-1 "Safety of household and similar electrical appliances"
-and are produced according to the CE-standards (Guidelines Machinery and Magnetic Compatibility)
-and bear the marking "CE"