Harsen en Gommen, divers


Shellac, grains, bucket 1 kg, Papermill, until the end of stock

a few days, until end of stock
重 量: kg

Gum Shellac is the only resin of animal origin; it is produced by insects of the group of the “Coccidi” common in India and Indonesia. It occurs as flakes or irregular lamellae, coloures from yellowish to amber, from orange to brown. Gum Shellac contains wax (approx. 5%); it is insoluble in water and soluble in alcohol. It gives elastic, glossy and adhesive films, wich become insoluble and darker with ageing. It is used as a final varnish for furniture and wooden objects and as a protective coating for gold leaves. It is also available in the dewaxed version, from which it takes the name

Graphic Chemical, rosin dust powder, #11920, 1 lb can

Graphic Chemical
重 量: kg

Dimensions can

diam. 11 cm,
height 12 cm

diameter 4.3"
height 4.7"


600 grams

1.3 lbs

Is being used in intaglio (aquatint) and lithography.
The residue remaining after the distillation of turpentine, from the gum of southern pine trees (especially trees with longer leaves). Also known as colophonium.

Charbonnel, rosin dust powder 500 gram #331186

重 量: kg

Carbonnel harspoeder 500 gram in plastic zak
Harspoeder voor aquatint. Het harspoeder dient voor dit doel fijn gemalen te zijn en de deeltjes moeten "droog" zijn, d.w.z. niet plakken.

rosin dust powder, 1kg bucket, Papermill

enkele dagen
重 量: kg

Rosin dust powder. European origin. Slightly darker in colour

Colophonium, resin powder 1 kg in bucket, ground, in lumps, Papermill, until end of stock

enkele dagen
重 量: kg

Rosin, also called colophony or Greek pitch (Latin: pix græca), is a solid form of resin obtained from pines and some other plants, mostly conifers, produced by heating fresh liquid resin to vaporize the volatile liquid terpene components. It is semi-transparent and varies in color from yellow to black. At room temperature rosin is brittle, but it melts at stove-top temperature. It chiefly consists of various resin acids, especially abietic acid. The term "colophony" comes from colophonia resina, Latin for "resin from Colophon," an ancient Ionic city. Fine art uses rosin for tempera emulsions and as painting-medium component for oil paintings. It is soluble in oil of turpentine and turpentine substitute, and needs to be warmed. In a printmaking technique, aquatint rosin is used on the etching plate in order to create surfaces in gray tones.

Colofonium (resin) in flakes, bucket 1 kg, Papermill, until final stock

enkele dagen
重 量: kg

Rosin, also called colophony or Greek pitch (Latin: pix græca), is a solid form of resin obtained from pines and some other plants, mostly conifers, produced by heating fresh liquid resin to vaporize the volatile liquid terpene components. It is semi-transparent and varies in color from yellow to black. At room temperature rosin is brittle, but it melts at stove-top temperature. It chiefly consists of various resin acids, especially abietic acid. The term "colophony" comes from colophonia resina, Latin for "resin from Colophon," an ancient Ionic city. Fine art uses rosin for tempera emulsions and as painting-medium component for oil paintings. It is soluble in oil of turpentine and turpentine substitute, and needs to be warmed. In a printmaking technique, aquatint rosin is used on the etching plate in order to create surfaces in gray tones.

Colophonium (resin) lumps, 1 kg in bucket, Papermill, until end of stock

enkele dagen
重 量: kg

Rosin, also called colophony or Greek pitch (Latin: pix græca), is a solid form of resin obtained from pines and some other plants, mostly conifers, produced by heating fresh liquid resin to vaporize the volatile liquid terpene components. It is semi-transparent and varies in color from yellow to black. At room temperature rosin is brittle, but it melts at stove-top temperature. It chiefly consists of various resin acids, especially abietic acid. The term "colophony" comes from colophonia resina, Latin for "resin from Colophon," an ancient Ionic city. Fine art uses rosin for tempera emulsions and as painting-medium component for oil paintings. It is soluble in oil of turpentine and turpentine substitute, and needs to be warmed. In a printmaking technique, aquatint rosin is used on the etching plate in order to create surfaces in gray tones.

Copal Manilla 1000 gram Verfmolen de Kat

Verfmolen de Kat
enkele dagen
重 量: kg

Kopal, ook wel gespeld als copal of kopaal is een halfgefossiliseerde hars die voorkomt in de meeste tropische landen. Volledig gefossiliseerde en dus zeer oude hars wordt barnsteen genoemd. Kopal wordt vanouds gebruikt bij de bereiding van vernissen en lakken, en bovendien als ingrediënt van wierook. Het is ook in 'new age' winkeltjes wel te koop. Onderstaand een lijst van bekende kopal-producerende boomsoorten: Copaifera officinalis, Bursera odorata, Agathus australis, Agathus philippinensis (Copal Manilla) ,Hymenacea ssp., Trachylobium ssp. Soms wordt halfgefossiliseerde hars weleens, foutief, met amber aangeduid. Dit komt door de kleur ervan, die ook amber wordt genoemd.Kopal wordt in verf gebruikt, die dan copaline wordt genoemd.

Dammar resin 1 kg

enkele dagen
重 量: kg


A natural resin exuded from trees of the family Coniferae, Dipterocarpaceae and Burseraceae. It occurs as transparent roundish masses, coloured from pale yellow to brown. Gum Dammar is soluble in white spirit D40, turpentine oil and other aromatic hydrocarbons; it has good colour stability and is compatible with other resins, waxes, oils and pigments. It is considered one of the best resins for picture varnishes with good reversibility and scarce sensitivity to humidity. It is also used as an ingredient in wax-resin mixtures, painting mediums and emulsions with gouaches.

Elemi 1000 gram, in brokken, Verfmolen de Kat

Verfmolen de Kat
enkele dagen
重 量: kg

Elemi resin is a pale yellow substance, of honey-like consistency. Aromatic elemi oil is steam distilled from the resin. It is a fragrant resin with a sharp pine and lemon-like scent. One of the resin components is called amyrin.

Elemi resin is chiefly used commercially in varnishes and lacquers, and certain printing inks. It is used as a herbal medicine to treat bronchitis, catarrh, extreme coughing, mature skin, scars, stress, and wounds. The constituents include phellandrene, limonene, elemol, elemicin, terpineol, carvone, and terpinolene.