
Etching and Engraving, Techniques and the modern Trend, John Buckland-Wright

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Line engraving - drypoint - mezzotint - aquatint - etching - woodcutting. Dover publications Inc. New York. 1973

Printmaking, A Beginning Handbook, William C. Maxwell

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Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1977

Manual de Aguafuerte y grabado, Walter Chamberlain

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In Spanish, translated from English. Tursen Hermann Blume Ediciones 1972

Stad van Boeken, Handschrift en Druk in Leiden, 1260 - 2000

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In Dutch, Primavera pers & uitgeverij Ginkgo Leiden, MMVIII

El Grabado no tóxico: Nueves procedimientos y materiales, Eva Figueras Ferrer

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In Spanish, Publicaciones i Ediciones Universidad de Barcelona, 2004

Manual de Tipografía, Ruari McLean

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In Spanish, translated from English, Tursen Hermann Blume Ediciones 1993

Meesterprenten, Images de Maitre, Filip le Roy

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In Dutch / French. tentoonstelling "Meesterprenten , zes eeuwen Grafische Kunst" te Brussel in 2003

Cursus voor Leerling Machinezetters aan de Lino- en Intertype.

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Centrale opleidingscommissie voor het boekdrukkers en rasterdiepdrukbedrijf

De Middeleeuwsche boekillustratie in de noordelijke Nederlanden. Prof. Dr. A.W. Byvanck

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De Sikkel Antwerpen, 1943

Johannes Gutenberg 1400-1468, Printing transforms the world, Die Druckkunst verändert die Welt.

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Eine Ausstellung über Gutenberg

Johannes Gutenberg 1400-1468, Printing transforms the world, Die Druckkunst verändert die Welt.

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Eine Ausstellung über Gutenberg

Grafische Drucktechniken als hobby, vom Holzschnitt zum Siebdruck, Johan Fricke

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Verlagsgesellschaft Köln 1984

The dictionary of Paper, , American Paper and Pulp Association, 1951

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Including Pulps, Boards, Paper Properties and related Papermaking Terms.
American Paper and Pulp Association New York, 1951

Druckgraphik, Einführung in die Techniken graphischer Kunst, Alfred Scheidegger

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Hallwag Taschenbuch 45 Kunst

FABLES by the late Mr. Gay in one volume complete. Newcastle, T. SAINT, 1779

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Printed by and for T. SAINT, W. Charnley, and J. Whitfield and Co. MDCCLXXIX