Ink rollers (brayers) Speedball with hard rubber rolls

Ideal for light carving or gluing applications, hard rubber brayers from Speedball are superb for rolling down prints or other geaphic projects. The heavy duty steel frame eliminates warping. It offers 80 durometer hardness and a versatile roller. A craft tips guide is included.

Hard rubber rolls are more suitable for inking linocuts and other flat printing forms. The hardness of the rubber is approximately 70 ° Shore. The layer thickness is 4 mm. If you use a hard rubber roller to ink in printing forms that are not completely flat (woodcut, for example), the distribution of the ink may not be optimal. In that case it is better to use a soft rubber roll. A soft roll also has a disadvantage; it can happen that ink not only ends up on the printing form but also on the cut edges; this is visible due to a too large "beaded edge" on the print.

This roller is also suited to ink intaglio plates


approximately 80° Shore


27 mm


Thickness of rubber

4 mm



Speedball ininktrol Hard Rubber 4" (10cm) #4121

重 量: kg
Dimensions: 154 x 112 x 35 mm 6" x 4.4" x 1.4" Length of roller 10 cm 4"