Users Instructions ImagOn Ultra photopolymer films

19. Making a Transparency for 4 Color Intaglio-Type.
  1. On your computer create or import an image into Photoshop
  2. Set the Mode to CMYK
  3. Make sure the image extends to the end of the file, so that the measurement of the image is correct
  4. Select the Channels Palette
  5. Select Cyan, Magenta and Yellow channels and Gaussian Blur by 2 pixels... add Noise of 2 pixels...... And set the Curves between 10 and 90 depending on the original image. (The darker the image the greater the number.)
  6. Go to the Black Channel and only set the Curves to between 10 and 90 (The darker the image the greater the number.)
  7. Cut the lnkjet Film Transparency so it is about 1" larger than the image size.
  8. Print out each Channel onto the InkJet film transparency on the Epson 3000.
  9. Use only the black ink setting. Set the Epson printer to highest resolution of 1440 dpi and also set registration marks and label. NB The best Inkjet Transparency film to use is made by Azon Color 4 ml clear film Number 787N or 788.
  10. After each of the separated color transparencies are made prepare identical sized pieces of copper plate.
  11. Apply ImagOn to the plates as described in the Quick Start Guide.
  12. Expose each of the four-color transparencies to each plate. Make sure that the transparencies are registered exactly in the same position on each Imagon plate.
  13. Process the plates as normal.
  14. Print the plates, one on top of the other, using a registration system that ensures identical registration from one plate to the other.
  15. The plates will then be printed with the four-color plates in the following color sequence... Yellow, Cyan, Magenta and fm ally Black. To achieve the best color balance mix up the colors as follows:

20. Etching Ink Preparation for 4 Color Intaglio-Type


  1. To one unit of Graphic Chemical Process Yellow 1 unit of Diarylide yellow, add 2 units of Gamblin extender plus 3 units of Setswell
  2. To one unit of Graphic Chemical Process Blue add 1 unit of Ultramarine Blue add 2 units of Gamblin extender plus 3 units of Setswell
  3. To one unit of Graphic Chemical Process Magenta add 2 units of Gamblin extender plus 3 units of Setswell
  4. One unit of Graphic Chemical Black add 2 units of Gamblin extender plus 3 units of Setswell

Before you print the intaglio paper should be run through the etching press, with the same pressure as would be used for printing, in both directions rotating the paper from the length to the width.