
Cranfield Caligo Safe Wash Relief Printing Ink, Light Orange, can 250 gram, 0.5 lb

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Delivery time:如果没有库存,几个星期的交货时间是可能的
重 量: kg

Product code/name


YLC 91637
Safe Wash Relief
Light Orange

half transparent
Y47 PO34 PY13 PW6
organic / natural earth

Cranfield Caligo Safe Wash Relief Printing Ink, Yellow Ochre, can 250 gram, 0.5 lb

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Delivery time:如果没有库存,几个星期的交货时间是可能的
重 量: kg

Product code/name


YLC 91737
Safe Wash Relief
Yellow Ochre

half transparent
PY 42 / BWS 7
Iron Oxide
Inorganic Synthetic

Cranfield Caligo Safe Wash Relief Printing Ink, Diarylide Yellow, can 250 gram, 0.5 lb

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Delivery time:如果没有库存,几个星期的交货时间是可能的
重 量: kg

Product code/name


YLC 91759
Safe Wash Relief
Yellow Ochre

PY 13 / BWS 6
Diarylide Yelllow
Organic Synthetic

Cranfield Caligo Safe Wash Relief Printing Ink, Process Yellow, can 250 gram, 0.5 lb

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Delivery time:如果没有库存,几个星期的交货时间是可能的
重 量: kg

Product code/name


YLC 91884
Safe Wash Relief
Process Yellow

PY 3 / BWS 6
Arylide (Hansa) Yelllow
Organic Synthetic

Process Colours Our Process ( or primary ) colours can be used in several ways, for example:

  • Mix the three process colours in varying proportions to create a spectrum of bright colour mixes of your own. You will find you can make a much wider range of greens, purples, blues, reds and oranges than you can achieve with a standard blue, red and yellow ink. Use white and black and extender to make an even wider range of tints and shades.
  • Over printing layers of these inks to create new colours where the transparent coloured layers overlap.
  • For printmakers who need a four colour process set (CMYK) to create colour relief prints with multiple plates. For the Black, use Caligo Safe Wash RELIEF Black BKC1860. (Depending on ink film thickness , you can adjust strength with extender as required)